Discover Rio de Janeiro

Discover Rio de Janeiro

Samba, sunshine and breathtaking scenery – Rio awaits you with its vibrant culture, natural beauty and unique hospitality.
Samba, sunshine and breathtaking scenery – Rio awaits you with its vibrant culture, natural beauty and unique hospitality.

The city is a great encounter between the human spirit and natural splendour. The vibrant and enchanting culture is framed by beautiful hilly landscapes and bucolic grandeur, a setting for those seeking adventure and sports.

A visit to Rio de Janeiro is sure to take you to heavenly beaches with translucent waters. The beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema are internationally renowned and are the city’s most famous landmarks.

In addition to the beaches, there is the enchanting nature of the Tijuca Forest, the largest urban forest in the world, where the Corcovado Hill is located, where at a height of around 800 metres, Christ the Redeemer, one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World, welcomes all visitors with open arms. There is a wide range of outdoor activities in contact with nature, such as hiking and cycling, as well as water and adventure activities, especially the famous paragliding or hang-gliding from Pedra da Gávea.

Rio has a very intense cultural life, with numerous theatres, such as the Municipal Theatre of Rio de Janeiro, cinemas, libraries and museums, especially the Museum of Tomorrow and the Rio Art Museum.

The music and dances characteristic of the people of Rio, such as samba, bossa nova and Brazilian funk, are typical of the city. There are also annual festivals that attract thousands of tourists to the city, such as Carnival and the traditional New Year’s Eve party on Copacabana beach.

Discover all the wonders this iconic city has to offer!

Unique Experiences to Live in Rio de Janeiro

Unique Experiences to Live in Rio de Janeiro

Surfing in a beautiful sunset in Ipanema Beach
A sunset on the beach! In Ipanema, Leblon or Arpoador.
One of the Cariocas' favourite activities is watching the sun go down from the beaches of Ipanema and Leblon, or even Pedra do Arpoador. It's common to hear beachgoers applauding the scenery while sipping coconut water to cool off from the heat.
Corcovado and Rio de Janeiro
Christ the Redeemer: One of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World
Rio's main postcard and one of the Wonders of the Modern World, from the top of Corcovado Hill, 710 metres above sea level, Christ the Redeemer welcomes all with open arms, blessing Cariocas and visitors alike.
Escola de Samba
Get to know the Barracões Samba School in Rio de Janeiro
A visit to the samba schools of Rio de Janeiro is an incredible experience not to be missed. Go behind the scenes of the greatest show in the world, which celebrates Afro-Brazilian culture by showcasing the incredible work of thousands of artisans and samba dancers.

Did You Know?

The Tijuca Forest is the largest urban forest in the world and is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, as well as trails and waterfalls.
Ipanema Beach became one of the most famous in the world when it was mentioned in the world famous Bossa Nova song "Garota de Ipanema".
The famous Sambadrome is where the samba schools’ parade during Rio's Carnival, the largest open-air spectacle in the world.
The Escadaria Selarón is a postcard of the Lapa neighbourhood. Covered with colourful tiles from all over the world, it is a unique artistic attraction.

Did You Know?

The Tijuca Forest is the largest urban forest in the world and is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, as well as trails and waterfalls.
Ipanema Beach became one of the most famous in the world when it was mentioned in the world famous Bossa Nova song "Garota de Ipanema".
The famous Sambadrome is where the samba schools’ parade during Rio's Carnival, the largest open-air spectacle in the world.
The Escadaria Selarón is a postcard of the Lapa neighbourhood. Covered with colourful tiles from all over the world, it is a unique artistic attraction.
How to get there
By plane
Tom Jobim International Airport – RIOgaleão (Rio de Janeiro). RIOgaleão International Airport is located 17km from the centre of Rio de Janeiro and has daily domestic and international flights.

By bus
There are several bus companies operating routes to Rio de Janeiro. Research the options available, taking into account timetables, routes and prices.

Getting around
By bus
There are several bus companies that operate routes around Rio de Janeiro. Research the options available, taking into account timetables, routes and prices.

Personal or rented vehicle
Getting around Rio in your own vehicle can be an advantage. There are several car rental companies in Rio de Janeiro, including international and local companies. Before renting a car, compare prices and policies between different companies. Make sure you have a valid driving licence and follow the local traffic rules.

Taxis and transport apps
Both taxis and shared transport companies are convenient and safe ways to get around Rio de Janeiro.

Useful information

Useful information

Números de teléfono útiles

Riotur - Informações Turísticas
+55 (21) 3460 - 1746
Delegacia do Turista:
+55 (21) 2332 - 2924
Polícia Militar: 190 Samu: 192
Bombeiros: 193

Electricity voltage

The standard voltage in Rio de Janeiro is 110V, but most hotels have 220V sockets.

Local climate

Rio de Janeiro has a tropical climate, with warm, pleasant temperatures throughout the year and the famous summer rains!


Public health services in Brazil are free for foreign tourists. So, if you have an accident, need medical attention or have a health problem, just call the Mobile Emergency Assistance Service (SAMU) on the free number below.

SAMU (Mobile Emergency Assistance Service): 192

Health tips

Drink plenty of water. Brazil is a tropical country, so we recommend that you stay hydrated at all times.

Wear comfortable clothes. Protect your skin from the sun by wearing a hat, cap, sunglasses and sunscreen. Avoid being in the sun between 10am and 4pm.


No vaccinations are required to enter Brazil. However, in some regions of the country, vaccination is recommended before visiting. For example, in regions where cases of yellow fever have been documented. Check for more information before travelling, taking into account the region you are going to.


International tourists can enter Brazil without proof of a Covid test or proof of vaccination.


Brazil is a country that is increasingly investing in public safety and is strengthening security in tourist destinations. Tourists wishing to visit the country can travel with peace of mind.

In the event of an incident, there are police stations throughout the country. In most capital cities, there are also specialised tourist police stations. If you’re in a city that doesn’t have a Tourist Support Centre, you can file a complaint at any police station. It’s more protection and safety for you, the tourist visiting Brazil. For more information on Tourist Support Centres, visit

Emergency numbers

You can call these toll-free numbers from any phone. Most of them are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


190: Military Police

192: Emergency Medical Assistance (SAMU)

193: Fire Brigade

191: Federal Highway Police

Climate and temperature

The climate is predominantly tropical, with some variations around 28°C in the north and around 20°C in the south.

Currency and exchange

The currency in Brazil is the REAL (R$). It can be exchanged at banks, bureaux de change, travel agencies and authorised hotels. The official exchange rate is published daily in newspapers and on specialised websites. International credit cards are accepted by most companies providing services to tourists.

For more information on exchange rates, visit the website of the Central Bank.


To make a direct international call, dial 00 + operator code* + country code + area code + phone number. For direct or collect calls from abroad, with the help of bilingual operators, dial 0800 703 2111.

*Check with your hotel reception for the operator codes activated for international calls.

Digital Nomadism

Have you ever thought about working in the breeze of breathtaking landscapes of Rio de Janeiro? It’s no surprise that Brazil is an excellent destination for holidays and trips. What visitors may not know, however, is that they can reside in the country and work remotely. Digital nomadism, a lifestyle that allows you to work remotely while travelling, is gaining more and more popularity, and Brazil offers an ideal environment for this global community of travellers. To do this, they need to fulfil the following requirements:

  • Be employed by a foreign company.
  • Be able to work remotely.
  • Provide evidence of a monthly income of US$1,500 or more or evidence of bank funds of US$18,000 or more.
  Digital Nomad visas are valid for one year but are renewable for equal periods. Visitors can apply whether or not they are currently in Brazil. Further information and other requirements.


The visa is the document issued by Brazilian consulates abroad that allows foreigners to enter and stay in the country. Citizens of Mercosur countries do not need a visa to enter and stay in Brazil, they only need to present their passport or a valid identity document. Visitor visas may be issued for tourism, business, transit, artistic or sports activities, and the stay may not exceed ninety days.

Do you need a visa?
To find out whether you need a visa to travel to Brazil, consult the Consular Portal. Brazil has a visa policy based on the principle of reciprocity. This means that all countries that require Brazilian citizens to obtain visas to enter their territory also require visas to enter Brazil. According to Brazil’s current migration legislation (Law 13.445/2017), visa exemptions can only be granted by the Brazilian authorities on a reciprocal basis, through a bilateral agreement on the matter. Brazil has bilateral visa waiver agreements with about 90 countries.

Where to apply for a visa?
Itamaraty is the Brazilian government agency responsible for issuing visas, which is done through Brazilian embassies, consulates general, consulates and vice-consulates abroad. Citizens of other countries wishing to obtain a visa to travel to Brazil should contact Brazilian consular offices abroad for more information on how to apply.

Electrical voltage

The electrical voltage in Brazil varies between 110V and 220V, depending on your location. Most Brazilian hotels supply both voltages, while portable transformers can be found in many specialised shops.


The official language is Brazilian Portuguese.


Das Visum ist das von brasilianischen Konsularvertretungen im Ausland ausgestellte Dokument, das Ausländern die Einreise und den Aufenthalt im Staatsgebiet ermöglicht. Für die Einreise und den Aufenthalt in Brasilien benötigen Bürger von Mercosur-Mitgliedsländern kein Visum, sondern lediglich die Vorlage eines gültigen Reisepasses oder Ausweises.Das Besuchsvisum kann für Reisen zu touristischen, geschäftlichen, Transit-, künstlerischen oder sportlichen Zwecken erteilt werden, wobei der Aufenthalt neunzig Tage nicht überschreiten darf.

Benötigen Sie ein Visum?
Um herauszufinden, ob Sie für die Reise nach Brasilien ein Visum benötigen, schauen Sie im Konsularportal nach. Brasilien führt eine Visumerteilungspolitik ein, die auf dem Prinzip der Gegenseitigkeit basiert. Das bedeutet, dass fast alle Länder, die von brasilianischen Staatsbürgern ein Visum für die Einreise in ihr Hoheitsgebiet verlangen, auch ein Visum für die Reise nach Brasilien benötigen. Nach der aktuellen brasilianischen Migrationsgesetzgebung (Gesetz 13.445/2017) können die brasilianischen Behörden Visumbefreiungen nur auf Gegenseitigkeitsbasis und im Rahmen einer bilateralen Vereinbarung in dieser Angelegenheit gewähren. Brasilien hat mit rund 90 Ländern bilaterale Vereinbarungen über die Befreiung von der Visumpflicht.

Wo kann man ein Visum beantragen?
Itamaraty ist die brasilianische Regierungsbehörde, die für die Erteilung von Visa zuständig ist, die über brasilianische Botschaften, Generalkonsulate, Konsulate und Vizekonsulate im Ausland erfolgt. Staatsangehörige anderer Länder, die ein Visum für die Reise nach Brasilien erhalten möchten, müssen sich an die brasilianischen Konsularvertretungen im Ausland wenden, um weitere Informationen zu dem Antrag zu erhalten.


Le visa est le document délivré par les représentations consulaires brésiliennes à l’étranger qui permet aux étrangers d’entrer et de séjourner sur le territoire national. Les citoyens des pays membres du Mercosur n’ont pas besoin de visa pour entrer et séjourner au Brésil. Il leur suffit de présenter leur passeport ou une pièce d’identité en cours de validité. Les visas de visite peuvent être accordés pour des voyages de tourisme, d’affaires, de transit, d’activités artistiques ou sportives, et le séjour ne doit pas excéder quatre-vingt-dix jours.

Avez-vous besoin d’un visa ?
Pour savoir si vous avez besoin d’un visa pour vous rendre au Brésil, consultez le Portail consulaire. Le Brésil adopte une politique de visas basée sur le principe de réciprocité. Cela signifie que presque tous les pays qui exigent des visas des citoyens brésiliens pour entrer sur leur territoire auront également besoin de visas pour se rendre au Brésil. En vertu de la législation brésilienne actuelle en matière de migration (loi 13.445/2017), les exemptions de visa ne peuvent être accordées par les autorités brésiliennes, sur une base réciproque, qu’au moyen d’un accord bilatéral sur le sujet. Le Brésil a conclu des accords bilatéraux d’exemption de visa avec environ 90 pays.

Comment obtenir un visa ?
L’Itamaraty est l’organisme gouvernemental brésilien responsable de l’octroi des visas, qui s’effectue par l’intermédiaire des ambassades, consulats généraux, consulats et vice-consulats brésiliens à l’étranger. Les citoyens d’autres pays souhaitant obtenir un visa pour se rendre au Brésil doivent contacter les représentations consulaires brésiliennes à l’étranger pour obtenir plus d’informations sur la demande.